Cambodia earned more than $1.15 billion from the export of raw cashews in 2024, representing a significant increase of more than 26 per cent compared to the previous year.The Cashew Nut Association of Cambodia (CAC) reported that in 2024, the country's cashew harvest reached approximately 850,000 tonnes.

Vietnam, with its significant investment in processing facilities and warehouses, continues to be the primary buyer of Cambodian raw cashews, purchasing approximately 795,000 tonnes, accounting for 97% of the total export volume.
According to the CAC, raw cashews contributed $1.15 billion to the national economy, indicating a positive outlook for Cambodia's agricultural sector. All stakeholders are encouraged to consider further investments in this sector, as it has created numerous employment opportunities for farmers.
Cambodia currently has approximately 700,000 hectares of cashew orchards, with about 580,117 hectares in production. The remaining area consists of newly planted orchards.
Cashews are grown in almost every province, with the majority located in Kampong Thom, Kratie, Ratanakiri, Stung Treng, Kampong Cham, TboungKhmum, Preah Vihear, Siem Reap, Oddar Meanchey, Kampong Chhnang and Mondulkiri.
The government is paying particular attention to cashew production via the National Cashew Policy for 2022-2027, which encourages financial institutions to offer loans at favourable interest rates to cashew farmers.However, the amount of credit made available to those in the cashew sector remains relatively low.
According to the CAC, the Kingdom currently has 52 cashew processing enterprises, of which six are medium-sized plants with production capacities ranging from 7,000 to 140,000 tonnes per year. The remaining 48 enterprises are small, family-run businesses that are not yet capable of year-round production.