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Writer's pictureChristophe Gargiulo

Cambodia & Culture : Wonderful Sixties fashion at the Bophana Centre

The Bophana Centre brought the colours of sixties fashion to life at a show held on its premises on Saturday evening, which attracted more than 150 people.

Wonderful Sixties fashion at the Bophana Centre

An enthusiastic crowd turned out to celebrate the 71st anniversary of the Kingdom's independence day. A number of non-professional models, simply artists or personalities, nonetheless full of grace and elegance, presented some pretty creations illustrating Cambodia's golden period, those famous sixties to which many Cambodians refer with a great deal of nostalgia.

Wonderful Sixties fashion at the Bophana Centre

The fashion show, prepared with the help of the Centre's team, its director Chea Sopheap, Neak Krou Dy Saveth, Neak Krou Sophiline Cheam Shapiro, and organised by the energetic Mr Pich Hemrith of the Bophana Centre, featured mainly women's creations, silk evening dresses marvellously worn by enthusiastic models delighted to share with the public this little trip back in time in fabric.

Wonderful Sixties fashion at the Bophana Centre

Before the fashion show, some extracts from the film Cambodia 1965, directed by the late King-Father Norodom Sihanouk and illustrating this golden age of the Kingdom also known as the Sangkum Reastr Niyum or Sangkum era. A name that refers to an era of political stability, prosperity and creativity.

Wonderful Sixties fashion at the Bophana Centre

The audience included many celebrities, artists and diplomats, as well as many young people who will have heard about this era through their parents or grandparents who survived the tragic events that followed this ‘Golden Age’.

Wonderful Sixties fashion at the Bophana Centre

After the parade, the ever-popular Dy Saveth added to the already enthusiastic atmosphere with a few traditional dance steps, and was soon joined by a host of other participants.

The Bophana Centre would particularly like to thank Charles-Henri Chevet and the Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra for their commitment to supporting culture and the arts in Cambodia.

‘In collaboration with the Synergies publiques agency, we are proud to have been able to support this exceptional event, which highlights our Kingdom's rich heritage and the remarkable achievements of its golden age,’ said Nimith Chheng, director of the agency.

Pich Hemrith et Dy Saveth
Pich Hemrith and Dy Saveth

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